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Published: August 2, Volume 44 is a continuation of Volume It talks about the Sierra Nevada Fault Line. There's a discussion about the Linguistic Binary Code. It also does an examination of the homonyms with Man of Steel vs. Malin Ackerman Landslide, Patty Hearst vs. Words: 30, Published: July 30, Volume 41 is a continuation of Volume Vin Diesel covered the song "Stay" by Sam [Redacted]. Analysis is done on Patty Hearst and the Stockholm Syndrome.

Words: 37, Published: July 26, Volume 38 is a continuation of Volume There's a Psychic Manifestation regarding the plane that crashed in a Nevada highway. A Psychic Prediction is regarding the dog named "Doctor" aligning with the statement "Doctor the Unknown" in the previous volume.

Words: 44, Published: July 24, Volume 36 is a continuation of Volume Published: July 13, Volume 26 is a continuation of Volume It republishes "Sunflower Diaries," Volume Words: 33, Published: July 9, Volume 22 is a continuation of Volume There's also an important section regarding the weakening of the Electromagnetic Field.

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