Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Terms and Conditions. Press ESC to close. Table of Contents. Novel Books. Show Comments. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! However, it fell out of the top in the AFI's revision. In June , after polling over 1, workers in the creative community, AFI announced its 10 Top 10—the ten best films in each of ten "classic" American film genres; All Quiet on the Western Front was ranked the seventh-best film in the epic genre.
In , the film was selected and preserved by the United States Library of Congress' National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.
Addeddate Identifier All. Reviewer: PrinceLeak - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - October 17, Subject: One of the most realistic depiction of WW1 As realistic and gritty as it gets, it was a real joy to follow those freshly recruited soldiers from the first day to their last, life on the trenches and battlefield was hard and this movie does a great job at portraying what it was like to be there, it also succeeds at showing why the orchestrates of the first war were as delusional and out of touch with reality as to them this was all strategical and a game of power while in reality they were sending tons of soldiers as young as 16 years old to the slaughter just to make their advancement, This movie was banned in many countries because instead of showing the "good" and the "bad" side, it showed neutrality and facts.
But the world of duty, culture, and progress they had been taught breaks in pieces under the first bombardment in the trenches. Through years of vivid horror, Paul holds fast to a single vow: to fight against the principle of hate that meaninglessly pits young men of the same generation but different uniforms against one another.
He is a craftsman of unquestionably first rank, a man who can bend language to his will. Whether he writes of men or of inanimate nature, his touch is sensitive, firm, and sure.